After After Party
Series Branding
After After Party is a daily late night talk show produced by Refinery29 for Facebook Watch. Inspired by the heavy, bold types often found in infomercials and cable news graphics, the branding is low-fi chic with a twist. Type treatment and logo plays around with the different dimensions and perspective, a nod to the tipsy, disoriented state after the after party.
The entire branding includes key art, logo endpage, lower thirds, transitions, news headline treatment, and title cards design. All provided in toolkit form that allows editors to efficiently create graphics. Outside of episodic graphics, branding is also being applied to out-of-home ads, Facebook interactive assets, and internal promos.
Logo Design & Animation
Key Art
Color Palette
Lower Third
Transition + Segment Title Card
Sketch Transition
News Headline
Watch After After Party here.
Design, Animation, Art Direction
Executive Producer:
Julie Miller
Post Production Head:
Stacy Scripter
Nicholas Keros
Photo Retouch:
Megan Madden
Episodic Graphics:
Alex Gilbeaux
Sonia Denis